Big Idea: The Law can never make you righteous or save you. Only Jesus can do that.
Last week we started this letter from the Apostle Paul to his young companion Timothy. The purpose of the letter for Timothy is to encourage him and remind him of who he is, what his mission is, and how the completion of the mission will benefit those he is sent to.
For those who Timothy is pastoring there are many goal; Holiness and understanding the work of the Spirit, Mission, Church Conduct, True and False Leaders, and Caring for and Honouring One Another.
We heard last week that one of Timothy’s tasks was to confront and correct false teachers. We have some general ideas about the false ideas being spread but we need to think specifically about what makes a teaching false…and last week we said that anything that comes between you and Jesus’ person and work for You is false.
This week we want to know how the law functions correctly and who it is for. However we also need to see that it is not the law that saves, only Jesus does that.