Over the next ten weeks we are digging deeply in to our faith.
Doctrine can be an off putting word for many. A word that has caused division. A word that for many sounds...boring.
Without doctrine however we do not truly understand who God is and how to worship him best.
Week 1: God Is-The Importance of the Trinity
Week 2: God Revealing-Creation and God's Word
Week 3: Image-Bearers and the Fall
Week 4: God's Pursuit of His People
Week 5: Christ: His Person
Week 6: Christ: His Work
Week 7: The Church Part 1-Unity in The Holy Spirit
Week 8: The Church Part 2-Baptism and The Lord's Supper
Week 9: Your Faithfulness (The Present)
Week 10: God's Faithfulness (The Future)
We would love for you join us for this series if you have any questions please contact us.
-Pastor Wade