Week 47: Destroy the Work of the Devil

Q & A 123

Q. What does the second petition mean?

A. “Your kingdom come” means:
Rule us by your Word and Spirit in such a way

that more and more we submit to you. (1)

Preserve your church and make it grow. (2)

Destroy the devil’s work;
destroy every force which revolts against you
and every conspiracy against your holy Word. (3)

Do this until your kingdom fully comes,

when you will be

all in all. (4)

Ps. 119:5, 105143:10Matt. 6:33
Ps. 122:6-9Matt. 16:18Acts 2:42-47
Rom. 16:201 John 3:8
Rom. 8:22-231 Cor. 15:28Rev. 22:17, 20