Week 43: The Tenth Word

Q & A 113

Q. What is the aim of the tenth commandment?

A. That not even the slightest desire or thought

contrary to any one of God’s commandments
should ever arise in our hearts.

Rather, with all our hearts

we should always hate sin
and take pleasure in whatever is right. (1)

Ps. 19:7-14139:23-24Rom. 7:7-8

Q & A 114

Q. But can those converted to God
obey these commandments perfectly?

A. No.
In this life even the holiest
have only a small beginning of this obedience. (1)

Nevertheless, with all seriousness of purpose,
they do begin to live
according to all, not only some,
of God’s commandments. (2)

Eccles. 7:20Rom. 7:14-151 Cor. 13:91 John 1:8-10
Ps. 1:1-2Rom. 7:22-25Phil. 3:12-16

Q & A 115

Q. Since no one in this life
can obey the Ten Commandments perfectly,
why does God want them
preached so pointedly?

A. First, so that the longer we live

the more we may come to know our sinfulness
and the more eagerly look to Christ

for forgiveness of sins and righteousness. (1)

Second, so that
we may never stop striving,
and never stop praying to God for the grace of the Holy Spirit,

to be renewed more and more after God’s image,

until after this life we reach our goal: completion. (2)

Ps. 32:5Rom. 3:19-267:7, 24-251 John 1:9
1 Cor. 9:24Phil. 3:12-141 John 3:1-3